The U.S. Coral Reef Task Force (USCRTF) works by consensus with all individuals providing input and expertise. USCRTF Members address new topics and issues that are priority concerns for the long-term health and sustainability of coral reef ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. One mechanism by which this is accomplished is through the passage of resolutions. Resolutions define the issue or problem and then set out a plan of action. Any USCRTF or Steering Committee Member can present resolutions for the Task Force to consider at its biannual meetings. The following USCRTF Resolutions, listed by date, have been adopted.
Resolution 34.1 - Resolution 47.3 (2014 - Present)
- 47.1 - National Action for Coral Disease Outbreak Prevention, Rescue, and Recovery
- 47.2 - Coral Reefs As National Natural Infrastructure
- 47.3 - Amendment to Resolution 28:1: Watershed Partnership Initiative
Resolution 28.2 - Resolution 22.1 (2009 - 2013)
- 28.2 - Coral Reefs and Climate Change a Renewed Call to Action
- 28.1 - Watershed Partnership Initiative
Resolution 20.1 - Resolution 11.1 (2004 - 2008)
- 18.2 - Renew and Strengthen Support for Local Action Strategy Initiative
- 18.1 - Coral Reefs and Climate Change
- 17.1 - Recognition & Support of U.S. International Coral Reef Initiative Secretariat
- 16.8 - Support development and implementation of response plans to coral bleaching
- 16.7 - Establish new working group to coordinate actions regarding tools for responding to major injury events to coral reef habitats
- 16.6 - Request that the Coral Disease and Health Consortium (CDHC) develop and coordinate strategies to address coral disease issues
- 16.5 - Support planning and implementation of the 2008 International Coral Reef Symposium
- 16.4 - Support planning and implementation of the 2008 International Year of the Reef
- 16.3 - Complete Progress Report on Implementation of the U.S. National Coral Reef Action Strategy 2004 - 2006
- 16.2 - Participate in preparing report "The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Freely Associated States"
- 16.1 - Establish a new Working Group on Cooperative Conservation
- 15.2 - International Year of the Reef: 2008
- 15.1 - Illegal Use of Cyanide in International Trade
- 14.10 - Approval of Past Resolutions Review
- 14.8 - 2007 Year of the Reef
- 14.7 - Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas
- 14.6 - Pacific Federal Grants Workshop
- 14.5 - Sustainable Financing Workshop Response
- 14.4 - Call for Building Enforcement Capacity
- 14.3 - Responding to Major Damage Events
- 14.2 - Caribbean Coral Bleaching Response
- 14.1 - Local Action Strategy Implementation
- 12.2 - Coral Mitigation Resolution
- 12.1 - Coral Spawning Resolution
- 11.3 - Proposal for CRTF Cross-Cut Budget
- 11.2 - Resolution for Continued International Leadership
- 11.1 - U.S. Coral Reef Task Force to assist with development of Implementation of the National Coral Reef Action Strategy: Report to Congress 2002 � 2003
Resolution 10.7 to Resolution 1.1 (1998 - 2003)
- 10.7 - Proposal on Response to Environmental Impacts of Natural Disasters
- 10.6 - Proposal on Coral Reefs, Climate and Coral Bleaching Initiative
- 10.4 - Proposal to improve outreach by and participation in the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force
- 10.3 - Proposal on Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program
- 10.2 - Pacific Water Quality Resolution
- 10.1 - Proposal for implementing LAS and other actions from the Puerto Rico resolution
- 9.3 - Resolution on International Trade in Coral Reef Resources
- 9.2 - Resolution on Participation in Free Trade Agreements of Coral Reef Resources
- 9.1 - Caribbean Water Quality Resolution
- 8.7 - Review of National Academy of Sciences coral reef study proposal
- 8.6 - Response to the Ocean Commission
- 8.5 - Coral Reefs and Climate Change
- 8.4 - Assessment of Coral Reef Mitigation Measures
- 8.3 - Improving stakeholder engagement
- 8.2 - Endorse the Statement of Findings on International Trade of Coral and Coral Reef Species
- 8.1 - Puerto Rico Resolution
- 7.2 - Use existing agency programs, statutory authorities, competencies, and capabilities to promote coral reef conservation consistent with U.S. law and treaty obligations
- 7.1 - Accomplish oversight responsibilities with respect to implementing the Order's policies
- 6.3 - The DOC will work with the Task Force to develop the "National Strategy" called for in the Coral Reef Conservation Act (CRCA).
- 6.2 - Task Force will review and respond to All Islands group recommendations
- 6.1 - Continue work on outstanding items including: Task Force Charter and National Action Plan
- 5.3 - National Action Plan Implementation
- 5.2 - The Freely Associated States of Micronesia are invited to participate
- 5.1 - A strategy for removal of grounded vessels on coral reefs needs to be devised
- 4.1 - Endorsed the National Action Plan to conserve coral reefs
- 3.12 - Joint Memorandum for the Field, to be signed Nov. 3, 1999, from the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Army (Civil Works), concerning "Special Emphasis Given to Coral Reef Protection under the CWA, Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act, Rivers and Harbors Act, and Federal Project Authorities."
- 3.11 - Explore and develop guidelines for mariculture as it relates to coral reef ecosystems
- 3.10 - Promote ecosystem approach within bounds of NEPA
- 3.9 - EPA to review sewage outflow issues in the USVI and Puerto Rico
- 3.8 - Asked the US ACOE to expand the educational outreach of its regulatory permit program under the CWA to include the islands and territories of the U.S.
- 3.7 - Agreed to refer the matter of Vieques raised by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to the Department of Navy
- 3.4 - Establish a Formal Education and Outreach Working Group
- 3.3 - Adopt the document entitled "Oversight of Agency Actions Affecting Coral Reef Protection�
- 3.2 - Adopt the document entitled "Coral Reef Protected Areas: A Guide for Management�
- 3.1 - Endorse the Draft National Action Plan to conserve coral reefs
- 2.4 - Support the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperative's Resolution against destructive fishing practices, including dynamite fishing and cyanide fishing
- 2.3 - Support the Dept. of State's statement on coral bleaching and climate change
- 2.2 - Support the existing U.S. Islands Coral Reef strategy as a priority for new funds proposed in President Clinton's FY00 Lands Legacy Initiative
- 2.1 - Support evaluating options to address imports of coral and coral reef species and promote sustainable harvesting of traded coral reef resources
- 1.4 - Work with the CEQ and OMB to develop a budget cross-cut for implementation of EO 13089
- 1.3 - Prior to our next meeting, Task Force members will summarize the authorities of their agencies relevant to coral reef management and conservation
- 1.2 - The Governors' representatives from the islands will develop a statement defining sustainable use of coral reefs
- 1.1 - Invited the Governors of American Samoa, CNMI, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to participate as full members