Appendix A: Task Force Attendees
Katherine Andrews, Florida
Athline Clark, Hawaii
Lawrence Clark, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Becky Cruz Lizama, Commonwealth of Northern Marianas Islands
Gerry Davis, Guam
Janice Hodge, U.S. Virgin Islands
Tim Keeney, Department of Commerce
Ambassador Hersey Kyota, Palau
Daniel MacLeod, U.S. Coast Guard
Craig Manson, Department of Interior
Tom Praster, Department of State
Diane Regas, Environmental Protection Agency
Donald Schregardus, Department of Defense
Eileen Sobeck, Department of Justice
William Sugrue, U.S. Agency for International Development
Salvador Salas, Puerto Rico
Chuck Trees, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Lt. Governor Togiola Tulafono, American Samoa